Protecting Resources & Assets

Planning Ahead

What is the Ultimate Goal?

(c) 2022 by Beyt Din Hillel

Bernie Besherse, C.J.

When I started learning about personal liberty, the gurus in those days had no remedy that taught how to peacefully leave the secular world of taxation and regulations without just “dropping everything and running away.” 

It always helps us get off on the right foot when we have an idea about where we want to go, and how we are going to get there without undue problems. 

Among all of our other goals should be finding a way to walk away from the system, and carry all of our gold with us. 

My personal search for personal liberty began in earnest when I realized that I had to find a way to eliminate the contracts that bound me to the secular government, without harming my connections with the Almighty ONE.  We can’t serve both God and Man’s governments. 

Our God is a jealous God, and man’s governments are just as jealous of their own pitiful powers. 

Please read Psalms 118:8 & 9. [JPS] 

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.” 

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.” 

If you use the Christian Greek Scriptures, you will find similar passage in Matthew 6:24: [KJV]  

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” 

Or you might look at Acts 5:29 [KJV], where it says:

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” 

The Reina Valera (Spanish) translation renders this as “…Es menester obedecer á Dios…” which is more like “… we MUST obey God…”.  This is a much more accurate rendering of the Greek meaning. 

I finally found a method that would totally, completely, legally, and effectively remove the contracts so I could have one Master, and I proceeded to put the plan into effect. 

I became a free man of the soil of Washington state in the month of December of 1994. 

After that time, I have had a mostly peaceful relationship with man’s governments. 

Financially, there have been many challenges, but God made sure that my needs were met. 

During the years of searching for my freedom, I began learning about Corporations Sole and Charitable Religious Trusts. 

With these entities, you can begin setting aside resources in entities under a different jurisdiction than Man’s jurisdiction, and help the resources grow while you are working at you Social Security Numbered job, and when you have set apart enough resources for maintaining your lifestyle, you can “divorce” yourself from the statutory governments and minimize the trauma of leaving the system. 

Your SSN is a contract, regardless of what some “patriots” will tell you about a court decision that hints at it not being a contract.  If they had read the entire court case for themselves, they would find specific wording in the court decision saying that the SSN does not form a contract for a very specific purpose, and it leaves open all of the other purposes for forming a contract. 

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is rather famous for saying “Equity is brutal, but we are just enforcing agreements.” 

The reason why I am here on Telegram, Skype, WhatsApp, and the Beyt Din web site, is so I can help those of you who have the desire and capacity to become free people to lessen your pain in the process of finding your own freedom. 

I quite often quote a man who had similar experiences that motivated him to write many books that helped younger boys grow up to be healthy, productive, mature men. 

Ernest Thompson Seton’s dedication for his book “Two Little Savages” says: 

“Because I have known the torment of thirst, I will dig my well where others may drink.” 

The ultimate goal is to have the protection of the Almighty ONE, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.