Essential History of Corporations Sole

© 2021 by Beyt Din Hillel

The Corporation Sole is an old, English form of organization for religious groups, as a way of dealing with property of the group when the head of the church or Monastery died. 

Usually, the title for the church, the parsonage, the cemetery, their community garden for the poor (the glebe), and all of their furniture and equipment were held in the personal name of their pastor, priest, or friar. 

That worked well while the leader was alive, but when they had a family, they had to find a way to securely hold the title in a way that it would not fall into the hands of a drunkard, a womanizer, or a gambler, and the members of the religious society or church lose all of the things that they had been supporting and buying for all of those years.

They solved the problem by creating a separate “incorporated” entity called a corporation sole (a corporation of one (sole) officer, in who’s name all of the society’s possessions were held.

When the leader died, or whenever the leader’s position was vacant, they organization would elect or appoint a new officer who would inherit ALL of the rights and powers of his predecessor.

The Charitable Religious Trust’s earliest beginnings are founded on how the religious community would deal with the sudden death of one of the members of their group.

When a head of a household would die, or both the father and mother would die, the family would be taken care of by other members of the congregation and the property would be put into a “Trust” that would be held on behalf of the family, until one of the children was old enough to manage the farm or business, and then the titles for all of the properties would revert to the family.

The government has no power to define a Church.  We have evidence of this in the IRS Code at section 7611, where it says that a church is:

26 USC 7611(h) Definitions.–For purposes of this section–

(1) Church.–The term “church” includes–

  (A) any organization claiming to be a church, and

  (B) any convention or association of churches.

Montana’s Statutes, and those of other states, also, equate a Church with a Religious Society.

A society is any number of people larger than one.

Your family, being created by the Almighty ONE, in Genesis 1:27 – 28, is the most basic religious society.

Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 1:28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The family has traditionally been recognized in the USA of having a right for internal jurisdiction, and to be self-governing regarding internal affairs.

In the documents that are included with the Corporation Sole and the CRT, there are citations of the laws wherein this is recognized.

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