A Wyoming Body Politic and Corporation Sole, Filing Number # 2007-000540171, Filed on: 7/1/2007

Beyt Din Hillel exists for the purpose of assisting biblically-obedient people and religious societies achieve their full potential.

We seek to understand and live in accord with the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of both the Eternal ONE and the laws made by man.

All, EVERY ONE, of the generally applicable laws of YHWH are found in the Torah. The Torah is made up of the five books of Moses, i.e., - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The rest of the Tanakh (Old Testament) contains the books of the Prophets, and the Historical and Poetic Writings of the Hebrew Sages. There are specific rules and messages given to specific people and classes of people in the books of the Prophets and the Writings, but no more generally applicable laws.

The mission of Beyt Din Hillel is to assist religious societies. What is a religious society?

  • First of all, what is a “society”?
    A society is any number of people greater than ONE, who are assembled for a common purpose. Because YHWH created man and woman, and gave them the commandment that they be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and master it, each and every family qualifies as a religious society.
  • Next, what is a “religious society”?
    According to the Supreme Court of the United States, even secular humanism (atheism) qualifies as being protectable under the “Free Exercise” clause of the First Amendment, so Beyt Din Hillel is free to assist any and all people who request our assistance in forming religious corporations and Trusts. We are willing to assist, because even though the petitioner may claim the status of Atheist, their children are free to study and believe as they see fit.

    The type of religious corporation that we help create is called a “Corporation Sole.” It is a corporation, but because it has only one officer, like a Sole Proprietorship, it is called a Corporation Sole. A Corporation Sole is a form of government for religious societies that first was recognized in England, over 500 years ago. Wyoming, as well as many other states, recognize Corporations Sole as a “Body Politic,” or a municipal corporation. A municipal corporation is one that has, among other powers, that of adapting or adopting its own set of internal laws that apply inside of its own jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Corporation Sole is stipulated as being “Spiritual Jurisdiction,” which in some states is also called “Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.” ALL of the legal protection for “Free Exercise” applies to Corporations Sole, just like it does for all major denominations of churches.

    Our documents are written with good LEGAL English, and good LEGAL grammar. These are not necessarily the same as for normal English, like you would see in a newspaper or a text book. The legal profession uses special terms and phrases, just like other professional disciplines, such as medical, scientific, carpentry, and mechanic professions. We avoid confusion in the meanings by using all of the accepted means for controlling the definitions of words in the documents.

    Because of Bernie’s extensive exposure to the court system as a juror (8 months) and a legal researcher, the documents that we provide are created in such a way as to avoid any need for secular courts to intervene, or if intervention is requested by a claimant, the meanings of the words, terms, and phrases in the document will stand without unfavorable judicial interpretation.

    The benefit for those who petition Beyt Din Hillel for any kind of assistance is that the petitioner receives experienced help, with a strong, moral base, and dedicated to getting positive results for the petitioner.